Highline College

Connect with Highline College


Alumni 2019-01-17T11:18:35+00:00


International student group visiting Leavenworth WashingtonHighline College staff and faculty encourage our students to pursue their dreams to the full. We know that for our international students there is nothing that they cannot achieve when they set their minds to it. Students who have worked their hardest and taken this advice seriously, transfer to top universities to complete their degrees. These alumni continue to achieve greatness even after their education and beyond.

These alumni are you. And we want to hear from you and keep our connection alive and strong.

There are many benefits to staying in touch with the Highline community, not including the professional, educational, and personal networking opportunities, but also the chance to have your Highline story to continue to be told in order to inspire following generations of Highline students to also pursue their dreams to the full.

For more information about the Highline College Alumni Association, please visit Highline’s Alumni Relations.

You don’t need a completed degree or certificate to be considered an alumnus or alumna of Highline College. All you need is one completed class.

Are you Highline College alumni? Be sure to join our alumni association.