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Arrival and Orientation

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Arrival and Orientation 2022-09-06T10:29:07+00:00

Arrival and Orientation

View of Seattle skyline with Mt. Rainier in the background

Traveling to Highline College

Once you have your visa in hand, it’s time to make your flight arrangements. The nearest airport to Highline College is the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Airport Code: SEA).

Please make sure you book a flight to Seattle, Washington, not Washington, D.C.

You are allowed to enter the US up to 30 days prior to the program start date that is printed on your I-20. If possible, we recommend that you arrive at least a few days early so that you can settle in and adjust to the time difference before the busy Orientation Week.

Reporting for Orientation Week

All new international students are required to report for in-person orientation unless they have special permission to attend virtually (for example, if they are unable to arrive in Washington state on time, or if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19). New students are sent a detailed calendar 1-2 weeks before the scheduled orientation start date.

Placement Testing and Enrollment

Depending on your program of study and the specific materials you submitted as part of your application, you may or may not be required to take a placement test. Meet with an ISP Advisor to find out whether or not you need to take a test. ISP Advisors will also help you choose your classes for your first quarter. During the Orientation workshops, you will learn how to adjust your class schedule, if needed.

Orientation Week Workshops and Activities

During Orientation, you will learn a lot of useful information and start making friends with other new and current Highline students.

Orientation Week typically includes presentations about:

  • US government regulations
  • Medical insurance
  • Campus resources
  • Highline’s Technology
  • Class Selection and Registration
  • Safety
  • …and much more!

There will also be individual advising appointments and opportunities for you to play games and have fun!

All new international students are required to attend Orientation Week. A detailed schedule will be provided to you 1-2 weeks before your scheduled orientation start date.